Base32 Encoder
A Base32 Encoder converts binary data into a text representation using 32 ASCII characters: A-Z and 2-7. It processes input by dividing it into 5-bit groups, each mapped to a corresponding character, and adds padding (=) to ensure the output length is a multiple of 8. This encoding is beneficial for transmitting data over media designed to handle textual data, ensuring that the binary data remains intact without modification during transport. It's commonly used in applications like encoding cryptographic keys or representing data in URL-safe formats.
Base32 Decoder
A Base32 Decoder reverses this process, converting Base32-encoded text back into its original binary form. It interprets each character of the encoded string, maps it back to its 5-bit binary representation, and reconstructs the original data. This decoding is essential when retrieving the original content from a Base32-encoded string, such as when processing encoded data from URLs, file names, or other text-based media. It's important to note that Base32 encoding is not a form of encryption; it doesn't provide data confidentiality or security.