Password Generator
Generate strong, random passwords with our free password generator. Customize length, symbols, numbers, and uppercase letters for security.
Password Generator
Create strong passwords for your online accounts in the blink of an eye.
How It Works
This Password Generator allows you to create strong passwords based on your customization preferences. Below are the options you can adjust to meet your needs:
- Password Length: Set the length of the generated password. We recommend at least 12 characters for a secure password. The tool will generate a password with the specified number of characters.
- Use Uppercase Letters: Choose whether you want uppercase letters (A - Z) in your password. If enabled, the tool will include uppercase letters when generating the password.
- Use Lowercase Letters: Choose whether you want lowercase letters (a - z) in your password. This option helps make your password more complex and harder to guess.
- Use Digits: Select whether to include numeric digits (0 - 9) in your password. Including numbers adds an additional layer of complexity to your password.
- Use Symbols: Enable this option to include special characters (e.g., `!`, `@`, `#`, `$`) in your password. Symbols are essential for strengthening your password and making it harder to crack.
- Avoid Ambiguous Characters: If checked, the tool will avoid using characters that can easily be confused (such as the number `1`, lowercase `l`, and uppercase `I`). This helps in preventing misinterpretation when reading or typing the password.
If you set:
Option | Value |
Password Length | 16 |
Use Uppercase Letters | Yes |
Use Lowercase Letters | Yes |
Use Digits | Yes |
Use Symbols | Yes |
Avoid Ambiguous Characters | Yes |
The generated password might look like: Ab1@hZ8w&LqX0R3u (16 characters, with uppercase, lowercase, digits, symbols, and avoiding ambiguous characters).
Why Use This Tool?
- Security: Generate strong, complex passwords that are harder for hackers to guess.
- Convenience: Quickly create passwords that meet the specific requirements for different websites or apps.
- Customization: Tailor the password to your needs by enabling or disabling specific character types, ensuring the password is both strong and usable.
Password Tips
- Longer Is Stronger: The longer your password, the more secure it is. We recommend passwords with at least 12 characters.
- Mix Characters: Use a combination of uppercase, lowercase, digits, and symbols to create a strong password.
- Avoid Common Words: Don't use easily guessable words, such as your name, birthdate, or common patterns like '12345' or 'password.'